The thinking and discussion of urban competitiveness in the age of globalization and digitalization
2018-06-06 17:01:10
主题:The thinking and discussion of urban competitiveness in the age of globalization and digitalization 主讲人:哈佛大学 王晓阳 主持人:经济与管理研究院 傅佳莎副教授 时间:2018年6月8日(星期五)14:00-15:30 地点:西南财经大学柳林校区颐德楼H501 主办单位: 经济与管理研究院 科研处
主讲人简介: 王晓阳,现为哈佛大学城市规划与设计系访问学者,城市理论实验室研究助理。牛津大学经济地理学博士,主要研究方向为金融中心、全球城市、城市与区域发展等。2017年,先后在南京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、北京大学、北京师范大学、西安交通大学和中山大学等国内高校做学术报告。曾任牛津大学地理与环境学院研究助理,香港大学地理系中国问题研究中心研究助理,上海市人民政府发展研究中心助理研究员。 主讲内容: New forms of urbanization are unfolding around the world that challenge inherited conceptions of the urban as a fixed, bounded and universally generalizable settlement type. Meanwhile, towards the end of the last century, alongside the deepening and accelerating processes at multi-scalar level, massive developments in IT, telecommunications and modern transportation dramatically promoted a revolution in urban-regional economies. Against this background, I try to answer what the urban competitiveness is and how to explore the urban competitiveness in the era of contemporary globalization and digitalization? This lecture is organized as follows. First, I make a comparison between the city and the urban in the context of China’s urbanization, and provide a new epistemology of “the urban” for urban studies and urban planning in China. Second, I interpret the urban competitiveness from an economic geography perspective and point to the key factors associated with the urban competitiveness in China. Third, this lecture summarizes the developmental dynamics of China’s critical cities. |
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